5 Reasons to Shop Local this Garden Season
Local economy:
Grow your community by shopping locally! This is especially important if you yourself are a small business. Be the change you wish to see in the world; think globally, act locally. I guarantee the commitment and dedication to shopping locally with your local vendors will be a larger value to you in the long run. Shopping locally does not always mean more expensive! I price checked against Amazon yearly to test price differences. Each time it’s been the same or even more expensive with shipping/travel factored in! Even if you do find a slight incremental increase, pay the extra few cents difference! Support local jobs and industry in your community!
Sourcing Knowledge:
Hands down your local nursery and greenhouses have well-versed employees to provide you knowledge and guidance. Human capital is a measure that is taken for granted when researching a product. Above and beyond the package size, weight, per unit price, sale dates, is the quality of the experience and friendly knowledge you receive when shopping locally at a specialized retailer.
Quality Products:
There is no way you can say that a big box store has a better products than your local nursery or greenhouse. Quality products are key to starting and sustaining your gardens and landscape. Local vendors will carry products that are focused on your geographic location. Certain products/brands are tested and proven to be the most successful and that is what is available to you locally by your specialized retailers. Big box stores are going to carry the products/brands that they have contracts with and can make the most profit from. This does not mean it is a quality product or that it is best suited for your region.
Flora Selection:
Indigenous, native plant life is important to support the natural biota in your region and your specific microclimate! That’s all super sciency, so let’s break it down. Little Purple House, for example is in Wells, Maine. We’re USDA Zone 5.5. Lemon trees will not enjoy growing outside year round here. There are great options from your local nurseries that will fit into your habitat. From annuals to perennials, local vendors can tailor the best options for your growing locations. Knowledgeable staff can guide you to the right plant for the right spot! Shade, damp, full sun, dry/arid, you name it; your local nursery will carry the best options for you!
Chem-Free Options:
For me, Chemical-Free is a must! Big Box Stores carry plants, shrubs, trees, and fertilizers that are laden with bad chemicals! As a beekeeper and a ‘pollinator-centric’ gardener, I avoid any product or plant that contains neonicotinoids. Local nurseries in my area grow their own products from seed or source their products from reputable sources. For an in-depth review on neonicotinoids I suggest reading the publication “How Neonicotinoids Can Kill Bees: The Science Behind the Role These Insecticides Play in Harming Bees” research by Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation at http://ento.psu.edu/publications/are-neonicotinoids-killing-bees
These 5 reasons, plus many more are reasons for you to shop local this gardening season!
Blog written by Liz Pelletier